How to Know When You Are Dehydrated

Facing these signs and symptoms? You might be dehydrated!
Hydration is super essential to your well-being and staying energetic. Without the right amount of hydration, your cells won't function too well and humans can't survive without water for too long. However, adults and even children don't consume enough fluids daily and this can lead to something known as chronic dehydration. Also, if you get bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive sweating; this can worsen dehydration.
Dehydration can adversely affect your health in many ways and can even be a threat to your life if not taken care of on time. You need to know all the major signs of dehydration in both kids and adults so that you are prepared for any situation.
The 8 signs of dehydration:
Signs of dehydration range from mild to severe, and these signs could not only indicate dehydration but might also relate to an unspecified condition altogether. In case you're experiencing these symptoms, immediately visit a healthcare professional.
Extreme tiredness and we don't simply mean being beat after a round of exercise. Dehydration makes you more tired than usual, and also has a role to play in your sleep cycles. In fact, those who are adequately hydrated sleep more and better than those who don't. Hydration also decreases your stamina and overall will to do anything active.
Urine is dark
Another clear symptom of dehydration is if your urine is of a darker color than it should be. It is one of the first indicators that you're dehydrated and that you need to have liquids. In case your urine is dark, this could indicate that your body's trying to save water and it isn't being released into the urine. It then mixes with waste products from the body and becomes darker. A pale yellow is an ideal color.
Dry skin or cracked lips
Is your skin flaky or are your lips far dryer than usual? This is because of dehydration more often than not. While they are also symptoms of many other conditions, try replenishing your liquids and see if you improve. If you don't, have this checked out by a healthcare professional.
Are you having headaches that are completely uncalled for? Even if you aren't doing anything much? This could be because of a lack of water. Frequent headaches are the results of dehydration, as it leads to your brain's blood channels stretching. But do note that headaches can be an underlying symptom of many conditions and if they persist, it's best to get them checked out. Improved water intake can reduce headaches, even in those people suffering from migraines.
Not enough water in your system can make you feel super dizzy, especially when you stand up. The term for this is Orthostatic hypotension, where your blood pressure decreases as you stand up and one of the main causes is dehydration. This is common among adults. If you're often feeling dizzy, then have more water!
If you're feeling heart palpitations, dehydration could be a cause. But do note that palpitations can be a symptom of anything from cardiac issues to anxiety. Not having enough water is not good for your heart and might reduce its functionality. Studies show that consuming lesser water restricts heart function and changes blood pressure regulation. This can also negatively affect the way you exercise.
Lower blood pressure
Having significantly lower blood pressure is a major sign of dehydration. Dehydration leads to an impairment of blood vessels, which in turn affects blood pressure volume. There is a lower amount of fluids flowing within your capillaries, arteries, veins, and heart chambers. Whenever the volume of your blood decreases, your body retaliates by increasing your pulse and breathing rate while lowering your blood pressure. Having low blood pressure is dangerous and you need to get it treated by a doctor.
Unable to concentrate well
Those who don't take enough fluids can't concentrate as well as those who do. A lack of fluids can lead to poor memory and the inability to concentrate for longer periods of time.
Dehydration signs in kids and babies
If your child isn't feeling too well or is unable to tell you what they are exactly feeling, then the cause could be dehydration. You should watch out for these signs and keep an eye out for them whenever possible. One of the biggest causes of dehydration in children is fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Kids tend to have a higher metabolic rate than adults and also lose more water daily.
Here are signs of moderate dehydration:
-Urinating less often
-Not playing as much
-Dry lips or tongue
-The soft portion of a baby's head has sunk
-Diarrhea or constipation
Severe dehydration would lead to:
-Getting agitated
-Eyes sunken in
-Feeling cold
-Hands or feet and discolored
-Wrinkled skin
-Very little urination
-Lower blood pressure
-Increased heart rate
Any form of severe dehydration is a threat to life and must be checked by a healthcare professional at once.
How can you avoid dehydration?
In case you or any of your family members aren't feeling well, replace the fluids that have been lost with electrolytes.
Foods that are high in fluid concentration, such as fruits, are also advisable.
Those with chronic dehydration should have a minimum of 2.5-3.5 liters of water daily along with hydrating foods.
The amount of hydration you require can vary depending on the amount of activity you do during the day.
If you're pregnant or breastfeeding you will need far more water than usual.
Those staying in a hot climate such as the UAE need to have much more water.
Athletes and those whose jobs require a lot of physical demands also need more water than usual.
Don't only drink water when you're thirsty. Thirst is an indicator of dehydration and you don't want to reach that point. Drink sips of water throughout the day.
Get help for severe dehydration
As mentioned before, if you're having signs or symptoms of severe dehydration, get help at once! Increase intake of fluids with electrolytes, fruits, and juices, and book an appointment with your doctor. Don't delay too much, especially for children, as they are far more likely to get dehydrated. Risk factors such as diarrhoea, vomiting, extreme exercise, and more and ones to watch out for.
Water filters are also a good way to combat dehydration as a single cup gives you water so pure and filtered, that it will sustain you for quite a while. Waterdrop filters have just what you need and are nearly 20-50 times purer than bottled water. To find out more, reach out to us at 80 4545 or contact us.