How to Pick the Right Water Filter System for Your Home

Over the past couple of years and more, there have been several issues raised over tap-water quality. Water filters can tackle these issues to a large extent, but there are so many out there in the market that you might not know where to start. Home water purifiers and filters take care of a lot of contaminants, bacteria, and more, however, you might not know what exactly you need for your house. Do you need a POE system (point-of-entry) or a POU system (point-of-use)? Read further to find out.
Evaluate what kind of filter you need at home
The first step to figuring out your water filter needs is by learning more about the two types of systems. POE and POU.
While POE systems treat all the water that comes into your home at entry, connected to a storage tank or water metre, POU only treats at the point of contact such as a tap or showerhead. Such filters have an advantage as they can be installed externally, and also inline, filtering out the water that passes through a specific pipe. They are more common than POE systems. They include water bottles with filters built-in, refrigerator filters, mounted filters, and more.
Other types of POU filters include pitcher filters that are great for individuals or two people as they filter smaller amounts of drinking water at a go. In some cases, people do not prefer anything attached to their tap or countertop as they consider it to be a bother. Select a filter based on your requirements.
Find out the underlying cause behind your water contamination
It's important to figure out the exact cause of contamination as it helps you choose a specific filter system for your needs. To do this you need to take a good look at your water. Any particles that are visible such as rust and sediments indicate that your water is contaminated. Also, water supplies that come from wells have a higher chance of being contaminated. Any form of contamination in your house water will depend on your overall environment. In situations where your home doesn't have any contaminants, you may not need a filter. But this is usually not the case in the UAE, where tap water is not dubbed as fit for drinking.
Your local municipality might also have testing kits for contaminants which you can use for samples. Ideally, your local community heads should be testing water regularly, to make sure that there aren't any harmful bacteria within.
Evaluate your need for a water purifier
In case your family has several litres of water at once, an individual filter in carafe style would need to be refilled over and over again. If it's just you and a partner, then your needs should be met by this. In those situations, a POU is enough, however, if you have needs for the family at large, especially one that consumes a lot of water daily, then you might want to consider a POE.
In case any bacteria or contaminants in the water are far too toxic for regular filters to take care of, then a POE is highly recommended. It effectively cleans away anything untoward coming into your home. But if you just want to filter your water for a better taste or higher purity in terms of drinking, a POU is a good choice.
Once you research all your options, it's advisable to reach out to a water treatment professional who is also certified.
What to check for when purchasing a water filter
Before you purchase a filter it's important to look at several factors. After all, a filter is a long-term investment and you'll need to ensure that you choose the right one.
The first thing you should check is for accreditation or if the water filter is recognized by various authorities. Certain standards are in place because they tell you that the machine will clear out bacteria or viruses effectively. There are even online standards and databases you can look at to check if the filter you'd like to buy is certified.
The databases are often organised well, and you can search for certifications simply by inserting the manufacturer, model number, brand, and anything else required. Once you place all the information in, you can check all the accreditations. In case the filter doesn't have any internationally recognized certifications, it would be a prudent choice not to pick it up.
Check the long-term costs
As with any other machine, a water filter also has long-term maintenance costs. You would need to consider all these costs before making your decision. In case you buy a poorer quality filter, do consider that you would need to replace it often. It's always advisable to check for reviews from people who have used the filter and who know how they genuinely work.
Also, some filters have very exclusive parts which aren't available everywhere. You'll need to ensure that the filter you buy has replacement elements and can easily be replaced whenever you need to.
Purchase and install
Once you've evaluated all the factors listed above, it's time to buy the filter. Always buy from verified sellers or straight from the manufacturer to ensure that what you're purchasing is genuine. Also, do make sure to get a warranty and extra filters. Ask for the warranty terms and how long it will last. Do make sure to take the contact person's details in case you need to use the warranty.
Once that is done, you could opt to install the filter on your own, or get a professional to do it. Some brands, may they be POU or POE, offer to send in their expert to install the filter for you. In certain POUs, you might have to run the water for some time before drinking it. It's super important that you read all the manufacturer's instructions.
Replace on time
The first thing that you'd need to keep a track of is replacing your filter. In case you use the filter for an extended period without replacing it, your water won't be clean, and that would defeat the entire purpose, wouldn't it? Set up reminders on your phone on the dates on which your filter needs replacing.
Water filters with a difference
Waterdrop filters personify all the qualities you need to watch out for while looking for your water purifier. Not only is each filter chic and space-saving, but they also have low maintenance costs and don't require electricity. It's an intelligent display panel with real-time treatment status and is 100% efficient.
To find out more about our filters, do reach out to us. Call 800 4545 or fill out our contact form.